Andrew Tate quotes: on being a man, becoming rich, fitness, adversity, and more.
“You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are and you will change how you live.”
“The best and fastest way to obtain wealth does not involve taking shortcuts or looking for easy money.”
“Have you decided to be exceptional? Or simply given up?”
“Broken hearts and empty pockets going to teach you 95% of what you need to know.”
“Don’t listen to the advice of people who are living lives you don’t want to live.”
“You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact it will be very difficult.”
“How we feel has absolutely nothing to do with what we are SUPPOSED to do. I can train happy or sad. Watch me.”
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“Every action you take is moulding who you are as a person. Every time that you sleep in. Every time you are undisciplined, you are training yourself that it’s okay. A downward spiral towards mediocrity.”
“The King’s limited movement in chess represents limitations in life as a man.”
“Start your morning with TWO plain black coffees and conquer your day.”
“The faster you work, the more work you get done.”
“I don’t train in the gym too often. I do 500-1,000 push ups per day. Whenever I’m on the computer, I set myself a little target. So I’m on the computer, every few minutes I’ll drop and do as many push-ups as I can.”
“Stress is the only condition under which your body and mind will ever perform miracles.”
“Emotional control isn’t a lack of emotion; it’s a necessary function of maturity.”
“As you excel in life, you’re going to have a lot of enemies. And if you can’t rely on your brother, you can’t rely on anybody.”
“There is no light without dark. There is no joy without pain.”

“A man without a vision for his future always returns to his past.”
“The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.”
“It takes intellect to love. Which is why stupid people are full of hate.”
“The internet is the new battleground of earth, the wild west, the place of truth and opportunity.”
“People don’t get jealous of losers.”
“The most important skill you need as a man is the ability to manipulate opponents and pick your battles.”
“Even with no wings, if it’s going forward fast enough, it will not hit the ground.”
“There are dark forces trying to penetrate the minds of the youth.”
“Fear not the man who appears dark with a heart of love; but the man who appears as a beacon of hope, whose roots you do not know the depth of.”
“Do not blindly obey your emotions.”
“I never vastly improved my life when I was happy.”
“Your only option to level up is to begin talking to winners.”
“I’m a 4x kickboxing world champion. I used to do push-ups, shadow boxing with 4-5 kilos, running with 4-5 kilos, and burpees with weighted vests. But I never lifted weights ever. Just lots of punching people in the head!”
“Caffeine is a miracle. Nearly 30 days stuck inside this dungeon and I’ve learned some truths about life. Nearly 30 days without a single drop of caffeine and I can tell you that a caffeinated life is a better life. Nothing GOOD has come from my lack of caffeine.”
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“Focus on what’s best for yourself.”
“The MSM (mainstream media) is designed to brainwash the populace. It is designed to protect and disguise the genuine evils of the world.”
“Success is always stressful.”
“Depression is motivation’s toxic waste.”
“Stop wasting cognition on nonsense.”
“Women wear makeup because men fall in love with what they see—men lie because women fall in love with what they hear.”
“You must put in the effort to get the life you want.”
“Adversity builds men. It is your duty to challenge yourself and craft your own world.”
“Talk money to make money.”
“I don’t need to be motivated because I’m a disciplined person. If I allocate X amount of time to do something, I’m going to do exactly that, with complete and absolute vigour for the allocated amount of time.”
“If you had genuine tenacity and genuine guidance, you’d be a millionaire in fantastic shape in less than a year.”
“There is nothing fake about belief.”
“There are multi-millionaire men in the world living their dream lives while you struggle to pay the bills.”
“Most of you men are not angry enough.”
“The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.”
“Being a loser is not okay.”
“My biggest victories in life were when I was sad.”
“Cowardice is the problem. The world is full of cowards. We suffer from a pandemic of cowardice.”
“Reject weakness in any form.”
“You’re going to have to work when you don’t feel like working. That’s how it’s going to have to be, or you’re never going to be important.”
“The idea that rich people are unhappy is nonsense propagated to prevent revolts of the poor.”
“You cannot buy my principles.”
“Men are not designed to be comfortable. They want to achieve. They want to feel pain and suffering. They want to conquer something.”
“Everything must be fought for, obtained, and held.”
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“When I train, I train like an animal.”
“Seeing the huge smile that YOU put on a woman’s face is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Nothing makes a man happy like making a woman happy.”
“The amount of stress you can tolerate while remaining effective is directly correlated to the level of success you will enjoy.”
“Become strong, honourable, and dutiful.”
“Do not listen to the corrupted on anything.”
“The world is who and what you know.”
“There’s no emotion in money-making.”
“The elite can stay focused on the task, be aware of the danger, and convert stress to adrenaline in real-time.”
“Most of you are lying to yourselves, but some of you aren’t and you’ll prove it to the world.”
“Showing the most emotion doesn’t mean you feel the most emotion.”
“Avoid women who go to festivals. They’re either on some loser’s table whos feeding them cocaine or in a crowd of sweaty peasants because they’re a sweaty peasant. Endless Instagram stories screaming and having “fun” to prove to the world they’re worthless.”
“Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”
“One man who stands by his word is worth more than 1,000 who doesn’t.”
“Society has conditioned men to believe we should be happy.”
“Why be rich if you can’t break speed limits and live above the law?”
“I took the biggest possible risks for the biggest possible rewards. My entire life was a gamble. A roll of the dice. And I won. Now I own the casinos.”
“The person who goes to the gym every day regardless of how they feel will always beat the person who goes to the gym when they feel like going to the gym.”
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