Best Detox Drink for Weight Loss: 17 Best Detox Drinks to Lose Weight
In my role as a personal trainer, I’m often asked about the concept of ‘detoxing’ and whether there is a ‘best detox drink for weight loss’…
Indeed there are plenty of folks out there on the internet saying that ‘detox drinks’ can flush out toxins from your body and help you lose weight.
But, here’s the scoop: there isn’t much proof to back up these detox drinks for cleansing your body.
The term “detox” is an overused hype word in the health and fitness industry.
‘Detox drinks’ are usually just drinks containing fruits and vegetables mixed with water.
It’s true that they can help contribute to your nutrition and wellness but they will not ‘detoxify’ your body.
With regards to weight loss, there is no miracle food or drink that has magical weight loss powers.
Weight loss ultimately comes from a consistent calorie deficit (calories in vs calories out).
However, according to the Office for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, three-quarters of people in the United States do not consume enough fruit and vegetables.
Thus consuming ‘detox drinks’ containing fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet may be a good way of helping a person get the nutrition they need.
Furthermore, these ‘detox drinks’ usually pack a good deal of fibre, and this fibre does a cool trick: it helps control your hunger and how many calories you gobble up.
That’s why they can be a solid choice for folks looking to shed some pounds.
With that in mind lets take a look at the 17 best drinks that can help you to lose weight.
1. Water

It might seem a bit mundane at first, but hold on – water is huge in the game of weight loss.
The number one best way to clean out your body is by drinking plenty of water and getting enough fibre to keep your digestive system regular.
Staying hydrated is essential not just for cleaning out your body or shedding pounds, but also for your overall health.
Water plays a vital role in metabolism, circulation, energy production, digestion, and essentially every function your body carries out.
In fact, multiple studies have discovered a significant connection between increased water intake and weight reduction.
You’ve likely heard that sometimes it’s easy to mix up feelings of hunger and thirst, and that’s absolutely true.
When you feel hungry, it could actually be your body telling you it needs a drink.
To get a better handle on your appetite, I suggest my clients have a full glass of water before eating.
Shoot for a minimum of eight cups (that’s 64 ounces) every day, and if you’ve been super active or sweating a lot, you might need even more.
Stay hydrated and healthy!
2. Celery Juice
Celery juice is all the rage with health-conscious folks these days.
And it’s not just because it’s super low in calories, but it’s also 95% water.
There are studies that say picking foods and drinks with fewer calories can really help with losing weight and shedding fat.
But the cool thing is, celery juice is full of antioxidants and other plant compounds that are good for you.
They can also battle oxidative stress and help fight inflammation.
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3. Coffee
Black coffee is a regular part of my morning routine.
The great thing about black coffee is it’s calorie-free, and the caffeine in it can give your metabolism a little nudge (although this boost alone won’t lead to weight loss).
Caffeine is also an appetite suppressant that can stop you from feeling as hungry.
In fact, a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 2020 suggested that drinking four cups of coffee a day might potentially help reduce body fat.
But keep in mind that four cups is quite a bit, so don’t suddenly start chugging that much coffee in hopes of shedding pounds.
Also, remember that coffee works as a diuretic, so if you’re drinking four cups a day, be prepared for more bathroom trips.
Here’s the catch: Coffee and tea can turn into calorie-packed troublemakers if you load them up with tons of sugar, cream, or milk.
Try opting for a plant-based sugar substitute like stevia or monk fruit because they won’t mess with your blood sugar.
And when it comes to cream or milk, go easy on it – just a small splash will do.
Oh, and don’t forget about the good old water.
It’s easy to keep sipping coffee throughout the day and forget to give your body some plain H2O.
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4. Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) might make your face pucker, but plenty of folks love to add a splash of it to their daily drink or grab a ready-made bottled version, which is way easier to find in stores nowadays.
ACV is connected to some health perks, like helping with blood sugar control and making you feel fuller, which can be a plus for weight management.
And if you go for the raw, unfiltered kind (the type with that cloudy-looking “mother” in the bottle), it’s got probiotics that can be good for your immune system and gut health.
As a matter of fact, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Functional Foods found that when combined with a calorie-restricted diet, ACV can help reduce appetite in folks who are overweight or obese.
But here’s the deal, the amount of ACV you use is super important.
Studies suggest you need to take two tablespoons daily to get the benefits.
5. Coconut Water
There’s something magical about sipping fresh coconut water on a tropical beach, isn’t there?
Well, even if you’re enjoying it from a little single-serve carton you picked up at the store, it can be just as satisfying.
Coconut water is like an electrolyte champion, perfect for giving your body a hydration boost.
It’s packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, and potassium.
These little powerhouses play important roles in things like keeping your immune system in check and helping your skin make collagen, regulating your blood pressure, and providing antioxidants to battle diseases.
But watch out, coconut water does have some sugar, so it’s a good idea to balance it with regular plain water.
If you’re looking for a change from plain water to stay hydrated, coconut water is a solid option compared to sugary juices and sports drinks.
Just be a savvy label reader and go for the option with the lowest sugar content.
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6. Kombucha

Kombucha is basically tea that’s gone through fermentation.
As it ferments, it creates probiotics that are great for your health, and since it’s made from tea, it packs antioxidants from the tea leaves.
A 2021 article in Current Developments in Nutrition found that drinking kombucha led to folks eating fewer calories and fewer macronutrients.
This could be because kombucha curbed their appetite or made them feel full, likely because of the liquid volume.
But here’s the catch: Kombucha naturally has sugar in it.
So, make sure to check the label and go for ones with less than 15 grams of sugar per bottle.
And, if you pour it into a fancy glass, it can make for a classy non-alcoholic drink option.
7. Protein Shakes
When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, aim for at least one gram of protein per pound of your target body weight.
It might sound like a hefty goal for the day, but protein shakes can be a helpful tool to meet your target, or at least boost your protein intake if it’s falling short.
Protein is the most satiating of all the macronutrients meaning it keeps you fuller for longer compared to carbs and fats.
Just remember to check the calorie and sugar content before investing your hard earned money.
And here’s some scientific backing: A study published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2022 found that consuming a multi-ingredient high-protein, high-fibre nutritional supplement shake as a pre-meal drink before breakfast and lunch had a positive impact on weight management in overweight adults compared to a placebo.
Protein’s weight loss benefits are most noticeable when the shake is rich in fibre.
You can enhance your shake with supplements like psyllium husk, or you can include whole foods that don’t disrupt the flavour while adding fibre, such as avocados, cauliflower, chia seeds, prunes, tofu, and white beans.
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8. Mushroom Tea
Mushroom tea is yet another excellent choice for a low-calorie beverage.
Research indicates it packs a punch when it comes to antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
If you’re eager to give it a whirl, I recommend a handful of mushroom tea brands to explore, such as Teecino, Buddha Teas, and Traditional Medicinals.
These options can often be found in select grocery stores or ordered online through platforms like Amazon.
9. Ginger Tea

Ginger is renowned for its stomach-soothing properties, particularly in alleviating nausea and taming bothersome gas and bloating, which can help you maintain that feel-good vibe all day long.
What’s more, ginger tea is almost calorie-free, adding a delightful twist to your beverage repertoire.
Furthermore, a 2018 meta-analysis found that ginger consumption was linked to reductions in body weight and waist-to-hip ratio, adding an extra feather in its cap.
Consider a mid-day comforting cup of ginger tea for a refreshing pick-me-up.
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10. Nut Milk
Nut milks are a fantastic addition to your weight-conscious beverage arsenal.
Not only are they low in calories, but depending on your choice of nut milk, they can offer an excellent dose of iron, vitamin E, and a variety of antioxidants.
Plus, if fortified, nut milks become a handy source of calcium and vitamin D.
The perks don’t stop there – they’re lactose-free, gluten-free, and a boon for those following a vegan diet.
But here’s the pro tip: opt for unsweetened nut milks.
Now, here’s where the calorie game comes into play.
In a 2020 study, plant-based beverages, including nut milks, were found to generally contain fewer calories compared to traditional dairy milk.
So, if you’re on a quest to trim those calorie numbers and inch closer to your weight loss goals, making the switch to nut-based milk, such as almond milk, can be a smart move.
To put it in perspective, a single cup of whole milk packs in 149 calories, while an equivalent serving of almond milk serves up just 60 calories, giving you a clear advantage.
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11. Green Juice/ Vegetable Juice
Green juice is a powerhouse of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but here’s the catch – it doesn’t deliver the same fibre punch as munching on whole vegetables.
So, if you’re considering adding green juice to your weight loss toolkit, you’ve got to be picky about the types of juices you choose.
Don’t get me wrong; green juice can be a refreshing and rehydrating elixir in your journey to shed those pounds.
But, and it’s a big but, the devil is in the details.
A smart strategy when you’re shopping for green juices: aim for those that contain only vegetables or ones that feature a single fruit, like the friendly apple.
Why the caution? Well, when green juices start piling on the fruits, the sugar and calorie count can skyrocket, leading to a not-so-friendly sugar rush and the temptation for even more sugary delights later.
So, keep it fresh, green, and low on sugar – a winning combo for your weight loss mission.
12. Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are a beloved choice for many, offering a delightful burst of flavour and a caffeine-free respite during the day.
The beauty of herbal teas lies in their versatility, each type offering its unique set of advantages.
Take lavender and chamomile teas, for instance, these brews are your companions for relaxation, helping you unwind and find your calm.
Alternatively, peppermint tea steps in as a digestive aid, offering soothing relief to your tummy.
What’s more, these teas come with a bonus – they’re light on the calorie scale and do a superb job at keeping you hydrated.
So, if you’re seeking a flavourful and health-conscious break, a cup of herbal tea is your ally, ready to deliver a variety of wellness benefits while keeping you refreshed and energised.
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13. Green Tea
A 2019 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology revealed that green tea extract is associated with a reduction in weight, BMI, and body fat percentage.
However, it’s important to note that the benefits of green tea are not limited to the extract alone.
Green tea itself has its own merits.
In fact, the American Institute of Cancer Research recommends incorporating one to four cups of green tea daily as part of a diet that reduces the risk of cancer.
14. Green Coffee
The detoxification advantages of green tea are well-recognized.
Likewise, green coffee stands out as one of the most effective beverages for reducing BMI.
Weight loss beverages such as green coffee are primarily crafted from unroasted coffee beans, harbouring significantly higher levels of chlorogenic acid compared to their roasted counterparts.
This acid is replete with antioxidants, which play a crucial role in restraining the generation of free radicals within the body, consequently stimulating thermogenic fat-burning processes.
Furthermore, it’s virtually a calorie-free beverage, making it a favourite choice among those conscious of their weight.
15. Black Tea

Like green tea, black tea has compounds that might help with weight loss.
Black tea is a kind of tea that’s been exposed to air more, which gives it a strong flavour and a darker colour.
It’s rich in polyphenols, especially a group of these compounds called flavonoids.
Polyphenols work as antioxidants and might assist in reducing body weight.
Research has shown that the polyphenols in black tea can aid in weight loss by lowering calorie intake, promoting the breakdown of fat, and supporting the growth of helpful gut bacteria.
A study with 111 people revealed that those who drank 3 cups of black tea each day for three months lost more weight and had a smaller waist compared to a group that didn’t drink the tea.
Another study with 2,734 women found that those who consumed more flavonoid-rich foods and drinks like black tea had less body fat and belly fat than those who had fewer dietary flavonoids.
16. Carrot Juice
Carrot juice is a super healthy drink, full of vitamin A and other good-for-you carotenoids in each serving.
If you blend your carrots instead of juicing them, you get the bonus of more fibre, which can make you feel full and help control your appetite.
What’s cool is that carrots are packed with carotenoids, a type of plant pigment that many fruits and veggies have.
In fact, there was an 8-week study with 28 men who were overweight, and the ones who had a daily carotenoid-rich drink saw significant reductions in their belly fat.
17. Pomegranate Juice

Not only is pomegranate juice delicious and refreshing, but it’s also a healthy and low-calorie drink that could help you lose weight.
In one study conducted on mice, pomegranate juice stopped them from gaining weight when they were munching on a high-fat diet.
And there’s some research that says pomegranates might keep your blood sugar from spiking and crashing, which is good because that could make you feel super hungry.
Another study of 16 people found that pomegranate juice’s antioxidants kept their blood sugar levels stable after eating bread, which usually makes blood sugar levels go up.
Best Detox Drink for Weight Loss: Summary
So there you have it the best detox drink for weight loss is in fact water!
Some people claim that ‘detox drinks’ can cleanse your body.
However, there’s limited evidence supporting these claims.
Detoxification is a legitimate medical concept used in cases of severe drug intoxication that involves supervised care to help people dealing with addiction.
In the health and fitness industry, “detox” has become a trendy term.
These so called ‘detox drinks’ often contain fruits and vegetables mixed with water, which can contribute to overall wellness but will not ‘detox’ your body.
That being said many Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, making these detox drinks a convenient way to boost nutrition.
Additionally, these drinks are high in fibre, which helps control hunger and calorie intake, making them a good choice for supporting weight loss.
It’s important to remember that, regardless of what you drink, weight loss or weight gain will hinge on the consistent balance between the calories you consume and the calories you burn (calories in versus calories out).
Speak soon.
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