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Drake The Type Of Guy Quotes

Drake The Type Of Guy Quotes

Drake the type of guy quotes: super sensitive ways to describe Drizzy Drake.

“Drake might pull up to the McDonald’s drive-thru, panic, and order something he didn’t even want.”

“Drake might be the type of guy to courtesy-flush a fart.”

“Drake could be the type to lose an argument and walk away, making flustered noises.”

“Drake might put on jean shorts and roller skate around the block with his hands behind his back.”

“Drake could be the type of guy who holds his girlfriend’s purse while she rides the roller coaster.”

“Drake might adjust his pants up and say, “Okay, no more Mr. nice guy,” when heckled.”

“Drake could be the kind of guy who takes the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and closes the door with his hips.”

“Drake might include “shattered” in his Instagram bio just because he got an A- in math.”

“Drake might find out his best friend just slept with his girlfriend and then shake his head and chuckle, saying “Classic Gabriel!”

“Drake could be the type to dab his pizza with a paper towel, even though it won’t help when he eats an entire large pizza by himself.”

“Drake might answer “Good” when someone asks him what’s up.”

“Drake could be the type to whisper to his friend, “Watch this, bro,” before throwing his juice box in the neighbor’s trash can and running away.”

“Drake the type to eat lunch at Olive Garden, overdo it on unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks, and spend the rest of the day praying his pants button don’t pop off and shatter a window.”

“Drake the type of dude to get rear-ended, then hop out like, ‘Oh my God, I am so sorry.  Are you okay?’”

“Drake the awkward, anticipatory type who answers, ‘Good,’ when someone’s like, ‘What’s up man?’”

“Drake the type to see someone running down the hall and point at the ‘Caution: Slippery When Wet’ sign, slack-jawed, like, ‘What kinda monster would do such a thing?’”

“Drake the type of guy to throw on some jean shorts and leisurely roller skate around the block with his hands behind his back—not a care in the world.”

“Drake the type of dude who, right before battle rappin’, warns his adversary: ‘You’re toast, pal!’”

“Drake the kind of guy to attend a UFC press conference and, when someone starts talkin’ reckless, tap the stranger next to him and say, ‘Boy, he’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’, huh?’”

“Drake the type to dial 9-1 and have his finger over the 1—just in case that wine cooler hits harder than he thought.”

“Drake the type to intentionally run into someone wearing camo, say, ‘Oops, didn’t see ya,’ then grin so wide he could eat a banana sideways.”

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“Drake the kind of guy who brings a veggie tray to a tailgate, then excitedly tells the fellas, ‘Don’t worry, I also brought some guilt-free greek yogurt for dipping sauce!’”

“Drake the type of dude to get triggered when someone doesn’t immediately compliment his new J’s.”

“Drake might squeal and rub his hands together when he sees the waiter bringing his food out, and then try to play it off when the waiter takes it to another table, saying “Brr, it’s freezing in here!”

“Drake the type to play pickup basketball with a buncha strangers at LA Fitness, then ask everyone if they wanna ‘hit the showers’ afterwards.”

“Drake the kind of guy who scream-laughs at adult humor in kids movies.”

“Drake the kind of guy to look a bully straight in the eye and say, ‘Hurt people hurt people.’”

“Drake the type of dude whose family files a missing person report, only to find out he was trapped under a weighted blanket the whole time.”

“When you ask Drake if he watched the football game, he’s liable to say: ‘No, but I heard it was a real slobber knocker of a contest!’”

“Drake could be the type of dude who warns his adversary before battle rapping: “You’re toast, pal!”

“Drake might greet himself in the mirror every morning with two finger guns and a wink. Drake could be the type to say “ergo” instead of “therefore,” so people think he’s worldly.”

“Drake might talk smack and then pretend his friend is holding him back when the other person squares up.”

“Drake could be the type of guy who gets rear-ended and then apologizes and asks if the other person is okay.”

“Drake might stomp his feet, clap feverishly, and declare, “Things are getting spicy!” every time they tease a new episode of The Bachelor.”

“When it’s not clear whether to wear long or short sleeves, Drake might tie a sweater around his waist, saying it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Drake might watch Netflix documentaries about serial killers, then sleep with the hallway light on.”

“Drake could be the petty type who invites someone over for dinner, then sets a dirty dish in front of them and says “No rush.”

“Drake might fill in for Chris Hansen on To Catch a Predator and then ask himself why he’s there, saying “take a seat, right over there.”

“Drake might overuse air quotes.”

“Drake could be the type of guy to boop his friend on the nose when he’s feeling silly.”

“Drake might attend a UFC press conference and tap the stranger next to him and say, “Boy, he’s cruising for a bruising, huh?”

Thanks for checking out these Drake the type of guy quotes.

Keep pushing.

Speak soon.


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Danny Barrett is a personal trainer and body transformation specialist, but most of his clients come for his terrible jokes. Here’s how he’s spent twelve years helping people to burn fat without crazy workouts or restrictive diets.