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Is Black Pudding Good for Weight Loss?

Is Black Pudding Good for Weight Loss?

Black Pudding for Weight Loss: Is Black Pudding Good for Weight Loss?

Throughout the twelve years I have spent in my profession as a personal trainer, I have been asked many questions by my clients about the impact various foods can have on weight loss.

Today I am answering the question is black pudding good for weight loss?

Black pudding does offer a weight loss advantage by providing a good amount of protein, which can help you stay full for a longer time. Additionally, it can be a good source of iron due to its blood content.

On the other hand, in every 100 grams of black pudding, there are 277 calories, equivalent to the energy burned in a 20-minute run for an average person. It also contains 2g of salt per 100g, contributing significantly to the recommended daily intake of less than 6g.

There are certainly smarter food choices out there if your goal is weight loss, but it’s important to remember that weight loss occurs from burning more calories than you consume consistently.

Therefore it is possible to lose weight with black pudding as part of your diet, as long as you are still consistently burning more calories than you are consuming.

Without further ado, let’s take a deeper look at black pudding and any potential health benefits it may have.

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Black Pudding Nutrition

black pudding nutrition

First off let’s take a quick look at the nutritional content of black pudding.

A 100g serving of black pudding contains:

  • Calories: 277kcal
  • Protein: 9g
  • Fat: 21g
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Salt: 2g

Black pudding originates from animal blood and served as a method to use an abundant by-product, rendering it an economical and ethical choice.

The manufacture of black pudding involves mixing blood (usually from pigs) with fat and oatmeal before encasing the mixture.

Subsequently, the sausage undergoes boiling, frying, or grilling, then gets sliced into rounds or crumbled into small pieces.

Besides the traditional British variant, similar blood sausages, like the French ‘boudin noir’ and Spanish ‘morcilla,’ are enjoyed globally, with each producer varying the seasonings and spices.

Vegetarian and vegan alternatives usually incorporate oats or barley for those seeking plant-based options.

Black Pudding Health Benefits

black pudding health benefits

Here are three health benefits of consuming black pudding:

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1. Black Pudding for Protein

Black pudding is a good source of protein, which is particularly important for muscle repair and overall body maintenance.

In addition, protein is more satiating than carbohydrates or fats.

This means that consuming protein-rich foods, like black pudding, can help increase feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake.

The feeling of fullness can reduce snacking and make it easier to adhere to a consistent calorie deficit required for weight loss.

2. Black Pudding for Iron

While the primary component of black pudding is indeed blood, there’s no need to be alarmed.

In fact, this unique composition makes black pudding a natural source of important nutrients like iron and zinc, which offer notable health benefits. Iron, in particular, plays a pivotal role in supporting a robust and well-functioning body.

Iron acts as a catalyst in the metabolic processes, facilitating the breakdown of proteins.

This is significant as proteins are integral to the development and repair of various bodily tissues, including muscles.

Iron is also a key player in the synthesis of haemoglobin and red blood cells. Haemoglobin is vital for transporting oxygen throughout the body, ensuring optimal cellular function and overall vitality.

3. Black Pudding for B Vitamins

Depending on the recipe and ingredients used, black pudding can provide a range of vitamins.

Vitamin B12: Black pudding is often a good source of vitamin B12 which plays a key role in various bodily functions. B12 is important for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. It also aids in maintaining the health of the nervous system, supporting cognitive function, and preventing a type of anaemia called megaloblastic anaemia.

Vitamin B6: Another B-vitamin present in black pudding is vitamin B6. This vitamin is involved in brain development and function. It helps in the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells. B6 also plays a role in the synthesis of haemoglobin, the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.

Niacin (Vitamin B3): Black pudding contributes to niacin intake. Niacin is important for skin health, the digestive system, and the conversion of food into energy. It’s part of the B-vitamin complex and is key for overall well-being.

Other B-Vitamins: Depending on the specific recipe, black pudding may contain other B-vitamins such as riboflavin (B2) and pantothenic acid (B5). Riboflavin is involved in energy production and antioxidant activity, while pantothenic acid helps with the synthesis of fatty acids and the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

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Is Black Pudding Good for Weight Loss?: Summary

While black pudding does have a high calorie count, it does have some benefits from a health and weight loss perspective.

The diverse nutrient profile is high in both iron and zinc, whilst also including important B-vitamins like B12 and B6, important for nerve function and red blood cell formation.

Furthermore, black pudding is rich in protein which can be beneficial from a weight loss perspective through it’s satiating effect (keeping you feeling fuller for longer).

As always, remember that reaching and maintaining your desired weight involves consistently balancing the calories you consume with the ones you burn (calories in versus calories out).

With that in mind black pudding can be enjoyed as part of your weight loss routine, just make sure you’re still maintaining a consistent calorie deficit.

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Danny Barrett is a personal trainer and body transformation specialist, but most of his clients come for his terrible jokes. Here’s how he’s spent twelve years helping people to burn fat without crazy workouts or restrictive diets.