Tristan Tate quotes: on becoming a man, the art of discipline, dating women, and more.
“I spend half of my money like I’m gonna live 50 more years and half of my money like I’m gonna live 50 more days. Make your investments. Be smart with your money. But also buy that watch or car if you want it. Because you might only live 50 more days. No one knows.”
“The only “miracle food” for weight loss is less than you need.”
“A boy becomes a man when he masters the art of discipline.”
“A good Instagram account is better than day game and standing in the mall doing cold approaches.”
“A lot of men complain about girls who do porn. I get it. But here’s the solution they won’t like. Stop WATCHING porn. No customers, no demand, no views, no money. The industry dies. If every man lived like me porn would disappear.”
“A generation of men raised by women is a disaster for modern men. And women too, but the effects are not immediately seen so they don’t always notice. This does create the perfect army of consumers and corporations have a lot to gain from a feminized society.”
“A man without struggle is never going to be a powerful man. The best men you know are men that have been through struggle or depressed and have come out on the other side. If you’re going to be a hero, you’re going to suffer.”
“A phone is just a digital pacifier in disguise. Stop pulling it out every time you feel anxious.”
“A strong man is made through trauma. A beautiful woman has to do nothing for her beauty.”
“Accomplishment honours your ancestors.”
“After school most guys simply don’t know what to do. You waste your most precious years of your youth when you have unlimited energy to hustle and grind.”
“Alcohol, like money is a multiplier. Sad depressed man drinks? He’s more sad. Happy fulfilled man drinks? He has a great time. I believe people who say they’re better off without alcohol. I believe people who say alcohol adds to their life. There isn’t one rule for all.”
“Always be unapologetic for being a man.”
“As a woman, flooding your man with love is a guaranteed way to keep him. As a man, flooding your woman with love is sure to lose her. Why? She wants a super hero. That must be built, it’s time intensive. Flooding her with love wastes all of your time.”
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“Ask her what’s her weight when she asks for your height.”
“Be always ready to walk away from any girl. That is your nuke for her. Weaponize your attention. Don’t comment under her posts. The guy who f*cks her never comments under her posts.”
“Be the kind of guy who could treat a woman like shit and still have his way with her… and then treat her like a gentleman. Godmode unlocked.”
“Before claiming you’re depressed quit mast*rbation and the consumption of adult entertainment. This is a bigger factor in the ‘mental health crisis’ than is ever spoken about. ‘Touching yourself is healthy and normal’ = Low testosterone.”
“Being a fat parent is one of the most irresponsible things you can do to your kids. Remember they are learning from you. All the bad habits you have will get passed on to them and continue an endless cycle of unhealthiness.”
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“Being able to say and do whatever I want is a freedom most don’t have. Come out of the matrix.”
“Being poor, weak and broke is your fault. The only person who can make you rich and strong is you. Build yourself.”
“By studying a woman’s actions and body language, you’ll quickly assess her true feelings about you. She can be verbally sweet, but if her actions reveal a different story then don’t waste your time.”
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
“Depression isn’t real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be depressed if your life is depressing.”
“Do the impossible and you’ll never doubt yourself ever again.”
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“Don’t even think about becoming a millionaire if you can’t even go to the gym 6 times a week.”
“Don’t let just anyone access your life. Most people will be jealous and envious of it.”
“Every man knows the holy grail state is ‘not giving a f*ck’. But the part everyone misses is you have to give a f*ck millions of times before you can’t anymore. It’s a blood, sweat and tears investment. Everyone wants to skip that part so you end up caring about not caring.”
“Expensive gyms are where you meet some of the hottest girls and coolest dudes. Invest in your surroundings.”

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“Life as a man is exceptionally difficult. That’s what is beautiful about being a man. You are born without value. You can build yourself to become a superhero.”
“Gardeners build big beautiful gardens which butterflies visit and become a part of. Men are the gardeners, women are the butterflies.”
“Get a new girl rather than trying to fix your old relationship.”
“Get so rich and famous that the biggest achievement of your exes becomes dating you.”
“Half you nerds will become alpha just by straightening your back and keeping your shoulders straight. As a man your chest is your pride. Do not let it sink. Hold it up with honour.”
“Hating women is like hating millionaires when you are broke or hating jacked dudes when you’re out of shape. It’s all projection.”
“Her revenge is getting into relationship with another man. Your revenge is hitting the gym, making money and living the best life.”
“I chose to live a difficult life. A life of discipline. A life of challenge. Many don’t like me. Many are intimidated by me. Many just simply don’t understand me at all. I’ve always been cool with that. This life is what I chose or maybe it chose me.”
“I don’t have haters, I have people who envy me.”
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“I learned too much from being poor and I will never take that away from my children. Welcome to the struggle. You got sleep for dinner.”
“Men with addictive personalities are the most powerful men on this planet. As soon as you figure out a way to direct your addictive tendencies into something productive, nothing in the world can stop you.”
“If you genuinely want a harem of women, become the man women will fight over. Do you have a six pack? Do you have a 6 figure salary? Are you groomed and smell good? Do you even take showers everyday? Don’t be corny and say women are trash. Look at yourself, G.”
“Nobody watches you more than a woman who left you. She wants to see if she made a mistake. Stop slacking and work hard to make her disappoint herself.”
“Money does make you happy if you know what to buy. Lambos and Bugattis are cool, but calling your mother and saying “Hey mom, you don’t have to work that shitty job anymore”, that’s happiness. It takes money to make things like that happen.”
“Stop being afraid. It’s all happening in your head. Pointless thoughts. Worrying is low IQ. Approach that girl. Start that business. Spend that cash and have fun. Sitting all day and overthinking keeps you behind your competition. Act!”
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“If a doctor does not have a six-pack, do not take medical advice from him. If he can’t take care of his own body, don’t trust him with your body!”
“My advice to you here is this: Don’t act like anything in your life is permanent. If you’re miserable, you can change your path. You can build a better life for yourself. This will take effort and courage. This will not be easy. This will be worth it.”
“I will wear perfectly tailored 20,000 dollar suits with diamond cuff links and hand made 14,000 dollar alligator shoes and I’ll STILL have holes in my socks. I’m from the streets. Never forget.”
“No. The universe won’t realize one day that you have been a good person your whole life and bless you with what you want. You have to go out there and take it.”
“No matter what life throws at you, remain calm and confident that you will handle it and emerge victorious.”
“Most people don’t recognize their old self. They aren’t as healthy, happy or in as good of shape. Get on the self improvement track and you won’t even recognize your old self too. But it’ll be that you are now much healthier, happier, and in better shape.”
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